Georgia Power seeks to extend lifespan of coal-fired power plantsFebruary 24, 2025
By Mike Dobbins, Professor of Practice, Georgia Tech
Jan. 25 – Below, in bullet form, is a comprehensive outline of the housing affordability problem, aimed at deepening understanding of its larger contexts for the purpose of making affordability happen.
Brief Background
What is Housing Affordability?
Housing Development is Complex
Presently, zoning has been wrongfully called out by many as the culprit in the affordability crisis; as the diagram below points out, though, zoning by itself plays but a minor role in the overall scheme of things, an understanding of which is important for shaping strategies
Why Has Housing Become Unaffordable? Its Very Profitability is the Cause FOLLOW THE MONEY
Big Money’s Strategies and Tactics:
But the Strategy Doesn’t Work! Neither for Production nor Affordability!
What have been the impacts of the YIMBY initiative in other cities and what threats do they pose for Atlanta?
The Status of Zoning in Atlanta – Facts and Myths
Since upzoning single family neighborhoods does not work, looking on the bright side, how might we get this done?
To get there, we need to understand the problems in their full complexities and come together to identify ideas that might actually work: below, we organize these under the headings of entitlements, people, land, and money.
Entitlements (we use the term as do developers, i.e. what is permissible):
MONEY is perhaps the biggest challenge, where now all who want to address the affordability crisis have to compete with each other for relative pittances.