

Category: Environment

No peace: Turtles, whales, dredging

By David Pendered Aug. 2 – No black letter law guides the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ decisions over how to balance the reproductive schedules of sea turtles and North American right whales with the calendars of dredging companies that help keep Georgia’s ports open for business. The animals’ reproductive schedules leave about a dozen weeks […]

Poet Laureate on climate crisis, human strength

By David Pendered July 28  –The U.S. Poet Laureate’s poem addressing the climate crisis concludes with this homage to a tree: “because I cannot apologize to the tree, to my own self I say, I am sorry. I am sorry I have been so reckless with your life.” Ada Limón published Salvage in Greenpeace’s #ClimateVisionaries […]

A 1791 account: Muscogee in Okefenokee Swamp

By David Pendered July 24 – In a 1791 account of Muscogee (Creek) mythology, the Okefenokee Swamp is described as a sort of Shangra-La, an inaccessible place of rich resources, beautiful women and fierce warriors. This story concludes with the entire written description of the Muscogee Nation’s relation with the swamp, as recounted by William […]

Mobilizing Georgia’s coast against climate change

By David Pendered July 17 –A planned climate action network to raise awareness of climate change and spur political action among residents of Georgia’s coast would get a major boost if a St. Simons Island-based group wins a grant from the parent company of the Savannah Morning News. The Center for a Sustainable Coast has applied […]

Supreme Court ruling on EPA endangers our future

By David Kyler, executive director, Center for a Sustainable Coast. St. Simons Island July 13 –The Supreme Court’s June 30 ruling that blocks EPA restrictions on the release of heat-trapping greenhouse gases (GHGs) at powerplants will further endanger the public with escalating perils resulting from Earth’s overheating climate. (Read how Georgia urged the Supreme Court to restrict […]

Okefenokee lawsuit disputes rulings on Muscogee tribe

By David Pendered Coming soon: A 1791 travelogue of Muscogees in the Okefenokee Swamp. July 4 — Two main points in the federal lawsuit that seeks to jump start an application to dig a strip mine near the Okefenokee Swamp contend the Muscogee Creek Nation has no business in an issue that should be resolved […]